Driver Stories

Road Rage

Road Rage written by Daniel Mills copyright August 7, 2010

Driving on the Toll way I run into many characters both good and bad this is just one story.

Heading eastbound towards all O’Hare on a beautiful sunny day I ventured upon a late model green Jeep in the left lane driving at about 65 miles an hour. I was in a hurry, not running late but not a lot of time to spare so I started looking for a way around the Jeep. I spotted an opening to my right I moved over and started to pass on the inside lane, as soon as the driver in the Jeep saw me he hit the gas and cut me off. Therefore, as he sped up I dropped back in behind him, figuring he picked up the pace so I do not mind following him.

As I pulled in behind him what you think he did, that’s right he slowed down. Now I have no time to play games as my father says I work for a living so I started looking for a serious gap in traffic to pass this person. Unbelievable as it seems this type of behavior I have seen many times, there is something in the psyche of some drivers where they just have to be in front no matter what the cost. Soon a space opened up about two lanes over, so I made my move. Cleanly sliding over two lanes I hit the gas and drove around him on the inside lanes.

Thinking this was over I merged back over into the left lane checking my mirror and saw the Jeep about a quarter of a mile back, so I proceeded towards the airport. Around half a mile from the toll as I looked over to my right what should I see but the green Jeep speeding past me in the right lane at what had to be excess of 100 miles an hour. Moreover, the funny thing is he did not get anywhere, because after all that he did not have an I Pass and had to stop to pay the toll. As I drove by him in the express lane, all I could do was shake my head and try to figure out what that was all about. Unfortunately, this is very common, something I see every day so go figure.

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